Cross-lingual Semantic Memory
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XSM is a Cross-lingual Semantic Memory.
The current version is fed with 80M sentences, in 4 languages (French, English, German and, Spanish), from various corpus:
MultiUN, Europarl, EMEA, DGT, ECB, JRC-Acquis, OpenSubtitle, Wikipedia, Gnome, KDE4, Ubuntu, OpenOffice, PHP, ...
You may query it in any language to find sentences having similar meaning in any language stored in the XSM database.
Your query sentence may be in a language not already imported in the XSM database.
The translation part is built using triangular pairings, thus it also provides with source-to-source language pairs:
Clusterisation/indexation sémantique multi-résolution 80M de phrases (FR, EN, DE, ES) Projection sur les axes 82/83 en dimension 1024 |
Adaptation d'un corpus générique à un corpus technique 80M de phrases (FR, EN, DE, ES) Projection sur les axes 94/95 en dimension 1024 |